Friday, March 2, 2007

Who showed the 120Hz LCD TV in the CES 2007?

100Hz LCD TVs were seen in the IFA show last year. On the other hand, it is now CES' turn in 2007 to showcase the 120Hz LCD TVs. The heat in turning on in the US but I will see the real heat should take shot in Q2 2008.
1080P LCD TV will surface with 120Hz technology soon too in the US. I would definitely want to wait for the 120Hz 1080P LCD TV.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks Edwin for the update on 120 Hz LCD TV's. I keep looking for more of them to hit the market, but so far on the Sharp is available. Sure hope that you'll keep eveyone informed when the next set hits the market. I'll keep checking your Blog.